Boil Water Notice lifted, effective September 29, 2020
Annual General Meeting
If you were unable to attend the GBID 2020 AGM on September 19th, you can view the reports from that meeting here:
The Gillies Bay Improvement District Annual General Meeting which was initially scheduled for April 26, 2020, will be held on September 19th at 1:30 pm, at the GBID Fire Hall. The meeting will be held outside (weather permitting) and face masks are mandatory. We ask that you respect the safety of other members who will be attending by maintaining your distance. We are still adhering to the current Provincial Health Regulations on gatherings which restricts our numbers to 50 attendees.
We had previously received the following letter from the Ministry which outlines the Provincial requirements for holding public gatherings.
Dear Improvement District Trustees and Administrators,
The purpose of this email is to address the requirements of holding annual general meetings (AGM) from January through May and, acknowledging the risks and issues associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, we are requesting that improvement districts:
- postpone your AGM and elections
- if a board meeting is required to proceed with decision making that is critical to the operation of the improvement district, such as passing a annual taxation bylaw, ensure that the meeting is not open to the public
- submit to the Ministry two signed and sealed copies of annual taxation bylaws (two copies) that require Inspector of Municipalities registration to become effective
COVID-19 is an unprecedented situation, resulting in the declaration of a provincial state of emergency (March 18, 2020), a public health emergency declared (March 17, 2020) and public health orders issued by the Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry. Many different questions have been raised, including how improvement districts should handle upcoming AGMs and/or elections. Thank you for your patience while we developed guidance on how to approach this complex and rapidly-evolving situation.
The Local Government Act and improvement district letters patent require improvement districts to hold AGMs and elections each year, typically between January 1st to May 1st. On March 16, 2020 the Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Henry prohibited gatherings of more than 50 people, and recommended that people engage in physical distancing, which improvement district administrators and trustees have indicated will make it impossible to hold AGMs and elections.
On March 19, 2020 Dr. Henry stated “I would appeal to businesses to do the right thing. If you can’t keep the distance, close for the protection of your family and the community.” This rationale may also apply to improvement districts with regards to open meetings, AGMs and elections.
Dr. Henry also stated: “Particularly with people who have underlying illnesses, who have disabilities, people who are older and are more vulnerable to having severe illness with this – we want you to stay home and we, as a community, need to support people to do that.”
Physical distancing is a way that we can slow the spread of COVID-19 by limiting close contact with others. Everyone, even individuals who are not sick should keep about two meters (six feet) or the length of a queen-sized bed from one another when outside our homes.
There are many ways to practice physical distancing:
- Limit activities outside your home
- If you are out in public, try to keep 2 metres between yourself and others
- Keep your hands at your side when possible
- Stay home when you are sick
- Cough into your elbow or sleeve
- Avoid social activities in large gatherings
It is unlikely that improvement districts will be able to achieve the recommended physical distancing for their AGMs and/or elections. And Landowners over 60 years old or individuals with underlying health conditions would be put in the uncomfortable position of having to choose between attending the AGM, voting in the election and putting their health at risk, should AGMs and elections continue as planned.
It is recommended that all improvement districts postpone their AGMs and elections until the Provincial Health Officer gives advice that the COVID-19 pandemic no longer poses a threat to public health.
To provide continuity, it is recommended that trustees whose positions are expiring continue to hold their trustee position until an election can safely be held. It is recommended that the board of trustees proactively communicate with their communities (e.g. email, website) and share the Ministry’s advice on postponing their AGMS and elections.
The annual financial statements of an improvement district must be presented by the financial officer to the improvement district board for their review and acceptance. To ensure compliance with the public health order, the trustees may wish to convene regular board meetings that are not open to the public in order to adopt important bylaws for annual taxation, and to approve financial statements and other key activities of staff. These meetings must conform to the Provincial Health Officer’s physical distancing and good hygiene recommendations, for example regular hand washing and spacing chairs 2 metres apart. In addition, you may wish to hold meetings outside. We encourage the staff and trustees to keep these meetings to essential business and be as transparent as possible with property owners during this time and provide communication around meetings and copies of meeting minutes.
At this time the Ministry’s priority is reviewing and registering bylaws that are critical to improvement district operations. Please continue to submit to the Ministry two signed and sealed copies of important bylaws, such as those for annual taxation (two copies) that require Inspector of Municipalities registration to become effective.
The prior year audited financial statements of an improvement district are required by legislation to be submitted to the Inspector by May 15th each year. If the financial statements of the improvement district are available by that date, please submit them. However, there is no penalty if the financial statements are submitted when available at a later date. The first priority of the improvement district is the safety of staff, trustees and the public and the second priority is to produce reliable and relevant financial statements that can be used by the staff, trustees and property owners to be informed about the financial status of the improvement district.
Improvement districts that postpone their AGM may submit financial statements, trustees list, statistics and AGM minutes when they are available after the rescheduled AGM has been held.
For questions regarding improvement district finance please contact your Financial Officer or For questions regarding governance and meetings please contact
Tara Faganello, CPA CGA BA Ec.
Assistant Deputy Minister
Local Government Division
Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
and Inspector of Municipalities
Res’Eau presentation
September 2020 Powerpoint Presentation
Res’Eau Project Overview
Jaycee Wright from Res Eau shares with us a brief overview of the project.
The Gillies Bay Improvement District is pleased to welcome to our community, the Res’Eau Centre for Mobilizing Innovation team, from the University of British columbia. The Gillies Bay Improvement District entered into a collaborative partnership agreement with Res’Eau in early March to conduct a water treatment study of Cranby Lake. A community presentation was scheduled for March 28th, but due to the Covid -19 situation that meeting was postponed. As the data collection is time sensitive the mobile treatment plant was brought over and set up so that testing could begin in mid May. The team will be testing several prospective solutions simultaneously in its Mobile Water Treatment Plant. Once the testing has been completed and the results are compiled, the Community will be involved in the next steps.
Res’Eau Centre for Mobilizing Innovation
Pilot Investigation of Drinking Water Improvement Options for GBID
Progress Memo
This initiative is conducted as part of the collaboration agreement between GBID and RESEAU Center for Mobilizing Innovating (RESEAU). RESEAU is hosted at UBC, primarily funded by the Government of Canada’s Networks of Centres of Excellence, and growing participation and investment of like-minded public and private organizations, and communities.
The main objectives are identifying solutions that meet GBID’s strategic requirements in terms of i) the ability to remove natural organic matter, colour and turbidity, ii) effective disinfection, iii) budgetary considerations, and iv) long-term sustainability. These objectives will be achieved through a series of activities span over 24 months. The pilot investigations will be conducted by deploying the RESEAU Mobile Water Treatment Pilot Plant (Mobile Lab). The project plan will be further developed with input from stakeholders, regulatory, health, and industry partners to equip the community with data needed to make an informed decision pertaining to adopting a sustainable, affordable, and acceptable drinking water treatment solution for the community.
Progress to Date
Retrofitting the Mobile Lab was started in February. The unit is now transferred and stationed near Cranby Lake. Water hookups, leak/system testing, and trouble shootings were completed on April 29th. The research team, Jaycee Wright, Ata Kheyrandish, and Maryam Dezfoolian, will be on-site regularly from the third week in May.
Ken Taylor will be engaged in setting up experiments, water sampling and shipping to UBC Labs for analyses.
Special thanks to Theresa Beech, who is tactfully coordinating all the activities.

2020 tax and tolls bylaws
The 2020 Parcel Tax and Water Tolls invoices will go out in early January. Tax and Water Toll payments are due by March 31st.
Termination of Residential Water Metering Program
On October 6th the Gillies Bay Improvement District held a Special General Meeting to discuss and vote on the future of the GBID residential water metering program. 114 property owners voted and the results were 77 to 36 in favour of terminating the program and one spoilt vote. Refunds will be issued to property owners who have already paid for their meter. Thank you to everyone who came out to the meeting.
UBC Capstone Presentation
A group of UBC engineering students studied the Gillies Bay Water System as part of their 4th year Capstone Project. The following presentation outlines some of their findings in regards to water treatment options.