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During this unprecedented time we continually strive to find ways to keep the residents of Gillies Bay informed on the business of the GBID. We are still working to provide you with fire protection, potable water and streetlighting. Our staff can be reached via email at or phone 604 223-7757 if you have any questions or need assistance.
We wish you and your families to stay safe and well.
Open Burning Ban 2020
GILLIES BAY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT OPEN BURNING BAN – 2020 An Open Burning Ban within the Gillies Bay Fire Protection District goes into effect: April 16, 2020 until October 15,…
Annual General Meeting
The Gillies Bay Improvement District Annual General Meeting was scheduled for April 26, 2020. Due to the Covid-19 situation and the resulting Provincial Health Regulations on gatherings the AGM was…
Res’Eau Centre for Mobilizing Innovation
The Gillies Bay Improvement District is pleased to welcome to our community, the Res'Eau Centre for Mobilizing Innovation team, from the University of British columbia. The Gillies Bay Improvement District…